Every day, I will share something that makes me think 'Wish You Were Here.'

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 30/13


Sometimes the phenomenal leaps and bounds in technology that have occurred over the span of my relatively short life put me in a position to question the wisdom of said leaps and bounds.  This morning was just such an occasion.

As I headed to work this morning, I stopped for coffee, which means that I have to take a bus to the mall, buy the coffee, then transfer to one of the buses going into Hull.  I boarded a Hull bus and took a seat, and shortly after, a teenaged girl took the seat ahead of me.  I recognized her uniform immediately--one of those private Catholic girls' schools, complete with the plaid skirt and socks.  She had her cellphone in hand, and was engaged in a text session, which isn't something ordinarily worth noticing, but she shifted to slouch in her seat, and the conversation became blindingly clear.

Darling Catholic school girl was sexting.  At 8:45 am.  On her way to school.

Are you kidding?  When I was her age, cellphones were the size of Playstation controllers, and texting was not an option at all.  If a guy needed to take care of his morning wood, he'd have to do it without his girlfriend sending him lewd messages while on her way to school.  And the school uniform?  Holy fuck, that is so cliché!

Also, her messages were lame and betrayed a lack of depth in knowledge of both sex and creative writing.  Her efforts would earn a C in my class.

Some common sense...

...Wish you were here.

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