Every day, I will share something that makes me think 'Wish You Were Here.'

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 15/13

I really hate cold weather.  Before you start to comment about my dislike complete abhorrence of cold weather even though I grew up in the far north, realize that we weren't exactly out and about, scampering like darling little woodland creatures; when it's -45 degrees Celsius, we stayed inside and jacked up the heat!

Granted it's not that cold in Ottawa, but all the same, it's put me off cold weather for life.  Cold makes me miserable.  And it shows.  During the winter months, I am totally guilty of trading fashion for warmth, and dressing warm with my current wardrobe means that I tend to look pretty ratty and plain.  I know this, but this year, I just don't care that much.  I put in the bare minimum required for a professional look at work (i.e. not old jeans and sweaters), but I have few practical options for winter footwear, and they don't lend themselves to looking fashionable.  Ugh, so many reasons to be a slob!

It's relatively warm these days, so today when I made an effort to look nice, people commented.  I didn't think the problem was that noticeable, but apparently people did notice.  This should be a kick in the ass to try harder, but the $50,000 question is, will it work?  I dunno.

 A little more effort...

...Wish you were here.

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