Every day, I will share something that makes me think 'Wish You Were Here.'

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11/12

Today I learned that there is a world championship for, uhh...it's quidditch?  Is that is?  Quiditch?  Quibids?  Whatever.  Can you tell I've never read the Harry Potter series or seen the movies?  What I do know is that there's something about the kids in that school flying about on broomsticks for this game.

Anyway, I know this because I know someone who knows a guy on Team Canada.  And while I found it bizarre that people took this made-up game from a junior literature series and made it a real game, I seriously busted a lung laughing so hard when I was told the real-life version involved these people running around with brooms between their legs.  It's a mental picture that I find utterly ridiculous.  And then there's something about a person in a white suit with socks on his or her ears?

Is this stuff for real?  I'm confused about why people over the age of nine would run around with brooms between their legs, playing imaginary games, but I'm downright gobsmacked that it's got a world cup.


...Wish you were here.

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