Every day, I will share something that makes me think 'Wish You Were Here.'

Saturday, November 9, 2013

November 9/13

Holy crap, I really needed a hair appointment.  My hair was is bad shape.  I honestly can't remember the last time I went to the salon.

This morning, my hair was very long, going halfway down my back, and it was a blah, nondescript blonde colour.  It was very dry and damaged, and my split ends had split ends which had split ends. 

Step 1: have my stylist indiscriminately hack off eight or nine inches of hair


Step 2: colour process

Step 3: get a *fantastic* scalp massage from the talented young lady shampooing the colour out

Step 4: spend about 45 minutes sitting there while my stylist works very carefully to ensure a high, straight bob.

Step 5: swing head wildly about because I am free of about 11 inches of hair.

By noon, it was bobbed and deep, dark brown.  Unfortunately, I couldn't donate the hair this time because it was so damaged, it wouldn't be good for anything, unless wig makers are developing bad hair day wigs.

I really need to remember to take some time and money and take care of myself.  I can't believe I was walking around with fucked-up bad hair for so long.

Remember to take care of yourself...

...Wish you were here.

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