Every day, I will share something that makes me think 'Wish You Were Here.'

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November 12/13

Back in August, I had my first madeleine ever.  The madeleine, a French concoction, is a small, shell-shaped sponge cake, lemon-based in flavour, with hints of shredded nuts or fruits.  They are very fatty, as melted butter is a key ingredient, and they are just the perfect treat.  You could have one, or lots.

Since August, I've been craving them hardcore, but they are a little too complex and time-consuming for me to make, what with my other activities and work, so I've been suffering withdrawal for some time now.  I know Starbucks sells packages of them, but I found them so industrial tasting, they were immediately disappointing.  Well, back in October, we were in Gatineau to drop off our moving boxes at a friend's place, and we needed to buy some stuff, so we stopped at a local shopping centre.  We went into the massive Loblaw, and I was overjoyed to find a bag of madeleines in the bakery section.  I wanted to buy two bags, but we are talking about perishable foods here, and no matter how much I want to stuff my face with the cakes, I knew I couldn't get through them all before they went bad.

Now I'm suffering major withdrawal again, as I can't find anything but the gross Starbucks ones in Ottawa.  I spent quite some time this evening scouring the internet, and all I can come up with is that there is a bakery over near Little Italy that does them...no other bakeries indicated they do them.  So without a car, these delicious little treats will continue to elude me, driving me mad and making me cranky.

Good madeleines in Ottawa...

...Wish you were here.

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