Every day, I will share something that makes me think 'Wish You Were Here.'

Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 31/13

So, this easter thing?  It didn't make much of a dent in our house.  For me, it was a day off, albeit one of forced quiet. 

I'm an Atheist, but relax, I'm the 'Do no harm, you have your bit, and I have mine, it's all good" kind.  It goes without saying that I don't have much reason to believe a man executed more than 2000 years ago came back from the dead and floated skyward.  As for Etienne, I don't probe what he believes when it comes to Jesus and easter--but he's content to overlook easter as well, so I'll take it.  We're a young, childless couple, so there's no need to hide eggs or chocolates, or share them for that matter (Ain't no one getting their hands on my Cadbury Creme Eggs!).  I love my easter ham (one tradition left over from my youth), but it's a solo event, as Etienne's a vegetarian.  Without religion, childish myths, and mutual love of pork, easter's just not going to take hold here.

But that leaves a vacuum.  On a normal Sunday, we'd be able to get up and go, even if all we do it wander to the mall or through the Market.  Easter Sunday is the one Sunday a year when it's guaranteed that almost everything will be totally shuttered.  Movie theatres are pretty much the only places open, and that's not even a sure thing. 

Detroit had a game today, but damn if they didn't just positively die out there, and there were no signs of resurrection as the day wore on.

My boredom today is the result of just not believing in a story the same way that the overwhelming majority of North American society does.

Sometimes, it ain't easy walking your own path...

...Wish you were here.

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