Every day, I will share something that makes me think 'Wish You Were Here.'

Thursday, November 8, 2012

November 8/12

Okay, I had a Hard.Fucking.Core day at work today, trying to get two files off my desk and helping out with a third massive mission, so I'm a little brain-fried as a result.

So it's probably a combination of the wine, the raclette, and the fatigue of the week, but somehow our discussion over supper turned to dinosaurs, and I was telling Etienne that it's too bad he missed the current ROM exhibit about Dinosaurs; some of the specimens on display are new to me, and one of the more striking things I noticed was a group of dinosaurs with extremely tiny arms.  As in, their arms were shorter than the length of my hand (approximately 8 inches, BTW).

Again, I will remind you that we were under the influence of wine, rich food, and fatigue...

We were very politically incorrect, making fun of the stumpy-armed dinosaurs.  I made a comment about a pathetic slap fight, Etienne commented about Natural Selection (No arms, no chance), and from there, we actually tied an Office Space reference to this whacked-out scenario, playing Bob's "Yeah, I'm going to have to go ahead and have you go extinct" line.

Earlier today, while trying to organize drinks out with a couple of friends, we ran into a problem that myself and one friend were available for the proposed date, but another had a retirement party to attend; so, I did what came naturally.  Via email, I provided three options:

A) Reschedule
B) Keep the date, but get ditched by obligated friend to go party with old people
C) Crash the party!

Throughout the afternoon, we opted for C!  I closed out with a "Yay!  I'm gunna crash a party, I'm gunna crash a party, I'm gunna crash a party, I'm gunna crash a party" to which the ladies replied that they could actually hear me singing it as they read it.

And first thing this morning, as we were on our way to Campus station to catch our bus, Etienne invented a Deep Purple cover band, complete with a revised version of Smoke on the Water.

Yes, today was clearly a silly day meant for giggles.

Good times...

...Wish you were here.

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