Every day, I will share something that makes me think 'Wish You Were Here.'

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 28/12

As petty as this sounds, today, I was vindicated.

There has been this task at work that I've resisted doing, despite my manager's insistence, because, if you know me at all, I don't like to waste my time, especially in pursuits that I consider to be tantamount to reinventing the wheel.  I've been pushed to do this task even though I haven't wanted to because while I might advocate for a particular thing, I've learned by now that the direction comes from the top down, not from the bottom up; why waste my time (when I have so many other projects related to this file that need my attention) working on something that I know I've already done in one format which will not likely be the direction senior management will want to go in.  I've done my job by researching, developing, and presented the options; let the decision-makers pick based on what I've provided.

Today an unrelated situation finally occurred that spurred a meeting on this project, and the options preferred were not the ones I would have thought would sell.  Had I gone ahead and done the work my manager wanted me to do, I would have had to start over again almost entirely.  I don't mean to be obstinate at all; I just feel that my time would be better spent if I get the proper direction and then start.  As a policy analyst, sometimes I need to lead, other times, I need to seek direction.  My strength lies in my ability to know when are the times to lead and when are the times to follow direction.

Tomorrow, I'll feel alright because I'll go in to work and start working in earnest on this project, knowing where I should be going with it, instead of feeling resentful because I started the work already and it turned out to be not what I should have done.

Trust in my process...

...Wish you were here.

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