Every day, I will share something that makes me think 'Wish You Were Here.'

Thursday, June 6, 2013

June 6/13

Today, there is just so much in the news to choose from, and much of it just pisses me off.

1. Today, the Conservative Party supporters threw Brent Rathgeber under the bus.  He quit the caucus last night after being sandbagged on his own private members bill, stating that he didn't even recognize his own party, and that the party had become what it used to rail against.  Good for him.  He's taking a principled stand for the rights of the backbenchers in all parties to represent their constituents in the government instead of representing the government to their constituents.  If only the other backbenchers who have publicly complained about similar treatment by the party's leadership did the same.  Instead, they threw Mr. Rathgeber under the bus.  I very much disagree with Mr. Rathgeber's politics and his outlook on life and politics, but I applaud his decision to leave the party caucus.

2. Today, the mayor and city manager of Abbotsford, BC apologized for dumping chicken manure on a field where homeless people in the city were known to camp.  Oh for fuck sakes, Abbotsford...you stay classy.

3. And hey, guess what?  Health Canada released its proposed law to address the expansion of safe injection sites in other cities, and you can only guess what these ideologue morons have done...stonewalled!  The law makes it almost impossible for new clinics to open in other communities.  These pricks lost all the way up to and including the Supreme Court, so they did the only thing they could do...they designed some bureaucratic garbage policy that they knew would painfully restrict the ability to open new sites.  So much for harm reduction and supports to drug users who want to quit.

4. The hits keep on coming, as Aboriginal Affairs announced that it would be significantly reducing funding for Aboriginal Service Organizations like the Assembly of First Nations, the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, and various Metis Nations.  Fuck...I don't even know where to begin with this one.  It's best I don't talk about it...who knows what I would say, then delete, then rephrase then delete then swear about and get frustrated over ad nauseum.

5. Okay Texas.  It's time we had a talk.  This week, a jury acquitted a man who killed a woman who refused to have sex with him after he paid her.  He shot up the car she was in with an AK-47.  A fucking assault rifle...for $150.  Dear Texas: You.  Are.  Fucking.  Sick.  I guess the price of a life in Texas is $150.


Where is a world that makes sense?

...Wish you were here.

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