I hate when people try to pardon a crime by lessening its severity when compared to another situation.
Okay, by now, most people are aware that Rob Ford was found to have contravened the civic act on conflict of interest, and the judge has ordered his removal from office in 14 days. This all stems back to his use of city letterhead to solicit donors for his football foundation. The magic dollar figure here is $3,150. He was warned not once, not twice, but seven times to repay the money by the Integrity Commissioner. He did not, and instead, he stupidly chose to not only speak to a motion before city council about whether he could keep the money and not pay it back, he voted on the motion.
His legal defense was pathetic ("I didn't read the act, so I didn't know I was contravening it), and the judge rightly busted his balls, citing that time-tested adage that ignorance is not a defense...especially given that Ford swore he would carry out the duties and responsibilities required by a city councilor and mayor four times. All of this is just fodder for this post, because my real beef is that John Stall, a so-called "political commentator" on 680 News radio in Toronto went on City TV News tonight and defended Ford by arguing that "$3,150 is not a lot of money, hey, at least he's not the Mayor of Montreal who did worse!"
Descriptive Moral Relativism at its most pathetic.
Yes, let's teach our kids and normalize this idea that a political figure contravening a legal act to ensure a more fair and accountable system to citizens is okay when it's only for a little bit of money instead of a lot.
The fact is that both mayors committed acts that contravened the conflict of interest act. It's irrelevant that one did so for so little money.
So to you John Stall, on a day when there are plenty of stupid things said and heard, especially in reference to this case...to you I award the win for the "Pull Your Head Out Of Your Ass And Stop Being An Idiot" Moment of the Day.
Less stupidity in the world...
...Wish you were here.
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