Max Update:
We brought him home :)
He's recuperating beautifully, and the final vet bill was shaved down by $1000 because he responded so well to everything.
He has to wear an Elizabethan collar, which if you follow me on Twitter or are friends with me on Facebook, you've seen. Poor little guy, but I want to give him a few days so he learns to leave the scar site alone. It hasn't been all sunshine and roses though, as Purrball's been very aggressive toward him since he arrived back home. I gather that the unfamiliar smells of the vet hospital upsets her, and she's been alone for two days, so we're going to have to work our way through that.
But since he's been home, we've had a chance to just sit on the couch, and he's gingerly climbed up and settled on my lap. Normally, I get no love from him, as he absolutely *LAVISHES* it solely on Etienne, but true to form, when my baby boy is sick/hurting, it's his mummy he wants.
My strong, gutsy little baby boy on my lap...
...Wish you were here.
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