Every day, I will share something that makes me think 'Wish You Were Here.'

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November 20/12

My day yesterday has sort of melded with today into one loooooooonnng day.

We went to bed, but the vet called at 2:30 this morning to let us know that Max did indeed have bladder stones, 8 or 9 of them.  If it had to be something, this was the best case scenario, and the stones could be surgically removed and with a properly Ph balanced diet, Max could avoid a recurrence, and make a good recovery.  The vet said all of his levels and kidney functions looked alright, and he made it through the sedation very well, he was up, he was eating, and he was doing much better.

Our next challenge was to arrange the surgery to remove the stones.  Suddenly, the estimate for Max's care doubled.  At 3 am, this is nothing short of a kick to the gut.  Suddenly the scary $2000 turned into a daunting $4000.  For a cat?  Yes.  The rub of it is that these places know we love our pets like children, and they can commit highway robbery because of it. 

Max is too old to be covered by any reputable pet insurer, so I basically had to agree to give away all my money until next spring, but it had to be done.  Max had his surgery this afternoon, and he came through pretty well.

Assuming there are no complications, my baby boy should be home tomorrow night.  After all, the little guy has survived so much and come out alright, so...keep hoping.

My baby boy...

...Wish you were here.

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