I really hate Sundays. Sundays are chore days, when all the stuff we ignore or don't have time for during the week has to get done, and today was no exception. The laundry was piling up, the kitchen needed cleaning, the dishes needed washing, the cats needed fresh litter, the recycling had to be taken out, and as if that wasn't enough, Etienne's been after me to deal with the pile of filing and such in the office.
So after traipsing up and down to the basement with a grand total of six loads of laundry and all the other fun stuff (Etienne did the recycling), I had to mentally prepare myself for the office. The stack was small, only over a foot high, and much of it was already sorted, but wow...such a pain in the ass. And it's actually such back-breaking work because you have to sort and up and down and file and lift. Eventually I managed to whittle it all down to what fits in a large shoe box, and I told Etienne that he'd have to wait until I did my annual file clean-up in January for the rest. My back was too cranky to continue. And so was I.
Sundays suck...
...Wish you were here.
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