Every day, I will share something that makes me think 'Wish You Were Here.'

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 29/13

There are people who just push my buttons and bring out the worst in me.

The other day, I reaffirmed my belief in and commitment to allowing for end of life choice on Twitter.  It's my personal account, and I'm free to express myself there. 

It led some random woman to tweet at me about her opposition, painting it all as euthanasia, and we ended up in a Twitter fight, with her being irrational and me being rude, which ended after I blocked her this evening. 

Why did you block her, Fancy?  That's not your style, normally you fight it out to the bitter end. 

Well, the decision was made after she tried to threaten me through my career.  At that point, I knew it was a waste of time to continue with this farce. It was going nowhere good.

However, it got me thinking.  In her warning, she pinpointed my job and location.  The job is no big deal, it's right there in my Twitter account profile:

"I am under construction. And I kinda like it that way. By day, a loud-mouthed policy analyst, by night a mild-mannered human being."

But how would she know that I live in Ottawa, when my Twitter profile lists my location as being "Tiptoeing on the Edge"?  

The only conclusion to draw is that she's visited this blog and/or google-searched me.  Meh, it is was it is, I've made no bones about how I feel about dividing my personal and professional life.  During working hours, I am a professional, and I conduct myself accordingly, but I still maintain that off-hours and unpaid periods during the working day, I am a Canadian like any other, entitled to my beliefs and opinions.  I maintain a strict silence on my file and those of my colleagues, not commenting on them.  Period.

The whole episode bothers me.  That neither of us could conduct ourselves in a way that is conducive to actual debate is regrettable; that it devolved into this is just frustrating.

Regardless, I'm back to where this all started, I still affirm my belief in end of life choice and my commitment to push for the right to a good death for persons who choose it.

The perils of internetting...

...Wish you were here.

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