This morning, Etienne was up earlier than normal, and moving quicker than usual. A meeting at work? No. Early to arrive, early to leave? No.
What's the *other* thing that might get a guy moving in the morning?
Video game release day!
This weekend, Etienne took in his FIFA 12 game to the EB Games, and while there, he pre-ordered FIFA 13, coming out on Tuesday, September 25th. The cashier informed him that the store would be open at 8 am on Tuesday, and he could pick it up anytime.
I forgot about this, so I was surprised this morning when he went for a bus that didn't go to Gatineau. We usually only do this when we are cutting through Rideau Centre for Starbucks.
"Coffee?" I asked.
"No. Something better. Much better." he responded.
It took a few seconds for me to clue in...
...Today was Game Day.
So I went for coffee while he went to claim his copy of the game (earning a limited edition metal case for his early efforts). When he came to meet me, he noted that World of Warcraft was releasing their latest product today. He commented that it made sense, as he didn't understand why the game store would be open at 8 am for FIFA 13. I don't know if there had been a line-up, but yeah...
It reminded me of the ordeal that was getting niece, Miss M. a copy of the last book in the Twilight series. This involved a pre-order screw up, a 6 hour wait in a line-up at a Chapters, and by default, putting up with a store full of teenagers waiting to rapaciously devour a book. I've also seen the line-ups at Apple stores for the newest products, and I've seen the massive line-up to get in to the midnight showing of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.
The thing is, it requires real dedication to camp out in line for something. I spent some time today trying to figure out what I would wait in line to be among the first to obtain; at first, the only thing I came up with is my need to board an airplane as quickly as possible. But then I remembered that I not only woke up quite early on a Sunday morning to secretly buy Etienne tickets to the Habs/Red Wings game in Montreal, I also commandeered his laptop to have two places in the queue in order to get the best tickets I could. Does it count when it's done for someone else?
...Wish you were here.
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