Every day, I will share something that makes me think 'Wish You Were Here.'

Monday, September 24, 2012

September 24/12

Today I had to meet with my new manager about completing my PLA.

What's a PLA? 

It's a Performance and Learning Agreement.

The PLA is supposed to be for me to explain how I will meet the competencies required for my job, and what learning opportunities I would like to engage in through the coming year, as well as longer term career development opportunities I would like to engage in. 

One way to look at it is that I am supposed to present my laundry list of do's and want's, the manager signs off, and it's on the record that I have requested that I be given opportunities to meet my obligations and reach my goals.

But I'm on year 3 of requesting that I be sent for French language training.  In the end, I can ask, and I can write it up in my development learning plan until the cows come home, it doesn't make a difference, as I'm occupy a position that is profiled as "English Essential" which means I'm not required to be bilingual.  If I wanted to stay in government, this would limit my opportunities greatly, as I would be limited in the positions I could apply for, and I wouldn't be able to advance to management, a level where it's almost an unwritten rule that thou must be bilingual.  And the older I get, the harder it would be for me to learn a language to some degree of competency.  So, forgive me, but I'm too discouraged about my present situation to see the bright side.


...Wish you were here.

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