Well, Tim Hudak officially ruined my day, so it's only fair I share it with you.
A little context: Tim Hudak is the inept leader of the Ontario Conservative Party. He's not good at, you know, people. What he lacks in charisma, he makes up for in.......? I dunno. Honestly, I can't seem to find anyone who likes or trusts the guy. Even among the few Conservatives I know.
As the stupid twit was called on to give his final statement in the Ontario Leaders' Debate this evening, (and you haven't seen it for yourself) he honest to fucking gawd uttered the words, "Hope is on the way."
I don't remember anything else he said after that statement. My brain short-circuited, and I was too busy answering Etienne what he incredulously asked me, "What did he just say?"
"He said, 'Hope is on the way.'"
Seriously, from damn near anyone else, that would be cliche, but from him, it was so patronizing and unbelievable. As in, Not to be believed.
Congratulations, Mr. Hudak...you've made grown, articulate men and women across the province revert to immature 10 year olds, yelling a collective "Barf-ola" across the Twitterverse.
Skeezy politicians...
...Wish you were here.
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