Every day, I will share something that makes me think 'Wish You Were Here.'

Friday, November 8, 2013

November 8/13

I don't know what Reddit is, or how it works, or what it does.  No clue.  Nor do I know anything about Tumblr and the like, but that's neither here nor there.

So, I was messing about online during one of the rare breaks I take at work, when I came across a Reddit that I was just glued to, and I have to admit, it sparked a lot of witty thoughts, but I had no outlet for them.  It's not like I could tweet them in 140 characters, and few people would understand anyway.

But in my frustration, I did tweet about missing Orkut, and the Yahoo! Books and Literature Chat/Group people I spent much time with online.  I developed some great friendships filled with humour and laughter and tears and cheers with people I'd never met in real life, and it really challenged me to keep and sharpen my wits.

Rather quickly, Gail at Large reminded me that it has been almost 10 years since Orkut went online, and that meant that Gail and I have known each other for about nine and a half years!  That's mindblowing, because she's such an amazing person, I can't imagine that I haven't known her all my life.

We have a lot of complaints about technology and social media and the like, but quite honestly, moments like today, when I realized I'm lucky to have ever met Gail and so many others, they remind me to savor how rich my life is for knowing these people.

Web connections...

...Wish you were here.

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