No sooner did I pull the last batch of cookies out of the oven last night and get the kitchen in some sense of order, we were out the door to the Lieutenant's Pump to meet people for drinks.
It was not the usual suspects. Indeed, the group and setting was somewhat unusual. When Etienne's work colleagues in his old directorate decided to go for drinks after work, they would all collect at one of the local bars and restaurants across from our oversized government complex. The grouping could be as small as four, or as large as 15, but there tends to be a core of individuals who always showed up.
Many people were out of town for the long weekend, (or if you work in
Quebec like us, just the weekend--not having a long weekend in August is
just fucking brutal, by the way), so those left behind were Etienne and
me, his colleague, Colin, and one of the casual terms, Keegan. Colin is around the same age as Etienne and me, but Keegan is quite a bit younger than us, so our conversations can sometimes get a bit all over the place as the generations relate (or don't!). We four don't normally hang out without others in the group being there as well, so this could (and did) prove to be interesting.
Drinks proceeded, hours passed, and around us, bar patrons came and went. Somewhere in there, the table beside us went from a group of young drinkers around about our ages gave way, as those revelers moved on, to a table full of single, heavy-drinking women in their 40s. They didn't bother us as they buzzed around the one man at the table. While this went on, a drunk Keegan tried hard to convince us to keep going (the strip club kept coming up), but it was already almost 2 a.m., and we were resisting.
Then I got up to go to the washroom.
I was gone all of three minutes, but that was enough time for the unoccupied women to turn cougar and immediately go after the guys at my table. Including Etienne.
If you're thinking "Uh oh!", let me assure you, I found the situation funny. My view as I returned to the table was the woman sitting nearest to me making her best effort (under the alcohol-loaded circumstances) to entice Etienne, and in that instant, I could only giggle..."Yeah, you are so wasting your time, lady, but Imma let this play out."
That was until I arrived at the table. Drunken Cougar wouldn't move out of my way to let me sit down. Her back to me, she didn't notice I had returned. Her friend sitting opposite was working hard on Colin, (who had given her the name "John" because he wasn't interested in her advances), and somewhere in her efforts, she and her friend got tangled, and my water glass went flying, water spilling all over my seat and the table. Etienne's Cougar drunkenly laughed it off, "No one's sitting there anyway!"
No one?
Bitch, please...
I pushed my way past her, growled at her to go get a towel instead of laughing, and at that point, told Etienne my night was over. Better over than ending with me getting into it with the Drunk Cougar. He was about done anyway, so we hightailed it out, abandoning "John" and Drunk Keegan to their own escape plans. I hope they got out alright!
I don't know if the four of us will ever try this again ;-D
A night on Elgin...
...Wish you were here.
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