Every day, I will share something that makes me think 'Wish You Were Here.'

Thursday, July 18, 2013

July 18/13

Let's file this one under "why must ignorance run so rampant?"

I don't do Tumblr, in fact, I don't even know what it's about really, and I'm just as uniformed of Pinterest. Google+, and just about all other social media sites sweeping the internetz.  I'm generally okay with that, as it takes a lot of energy just to keep up with Facebook memes of kitties and my social-angst-driven Twitter feed, but I gathered today that I miss some things by not being more involved with other social media.

For instance, my friend Gail At Large found and tweeted this Tumblr of just monstrous ignorance on display.  A Hispanic artist with some crossover success and a strong following in the Caribbean countries that supply a large percentage of players to the modern ranks of the Major League Baseball, Marc Anthony was invited to sing God Bless America at yesterday's All-Star game.  Marc Anthony is New York born and raised to Puerto Rican parents.  Puerto Rico is an American Territory.  So he's pretty much got this whole being-Americanthing down pat.

The part my brain has the most trouble processing isn't the racism itself; it's ugly, incomprehensible and inexcusable in and of itself, and I don't think I need to beat that dead horse any more than I already have.  No, the part that I can't understand is this: how is it possible that, in the age of the internet, wi-fi capable smartphones, and Google or Bing or Yahoo, someone has the time to tweet his or her dislike of a person of Hispanic descent for not being 'Murican, and yet not have the time to Google the guy and find out that he is 100% American, just like them?  Really, internet?  Really?

So these people get a big old Gold Star for displays of ignorance, not once because of the hate-filled racist garbage they spewed, but TWICE because their displays of ignorance could have appeared "smarter" with just one wee-widdo, teeny-tiny search on the internet.

Folks, NOFX called it in 2003, and it's just as true today...Idiots are taking over.

A cure for stupidity...

...Wish you were here.

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