When I hear bad news, and I know that it's something that needs to be shared, I compulsively have to share it. It's this thing I have, where I don't want people to be blindsided by the news, so I try to find a way to ease the shock and deliver the news in as straightforward a manner as possible.
Iiiiiiiit doesn't always work out that way though. The first person I went to after hearing some of this bad news this morning? Yeah, when I told her, the initial shock gave way *very* quickly to shock and, well, a lot of negative emotions. If you had happened upon us in that moment, you'd have sworn I just punched her in the stomach and told her I ate her children. That was the strongest reaction of the morning, but largely, it was in line with the reactions of everyone else who found out.
Please don't shoot the messenger...
...Wish you were here.
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