I'll admit, I've been drinking. A lot. I started at 1 pm, and stopped at 6 pm, and in that time, I managed six beers. And I'm still feeling damn close to sober.
Today's adventure was sponsored by a work retreat. It's been a crushingly busy few months for my team, and we needed that break, away from the office. We headed for a bar in the market that could provide much needed release through games, bowling, pool, etc. And of course, the drinks. Not that many people on my team actually drink, but when team social events are planned, they are done so bearing in mind that we have one guy (on a team of eight), who is a punk-rocking badass who doesn't buy into team building through wholesome ice cream socials, and we have one woman who prefers socializing to be a bit salty (me).
By the end of the afternoon, the two team misfits were left to continue drinking, which gave us the opportunity to talk. We don't often talk, but we sort of get what the other person is about, and that made it easy to develop a rapport. While it was largely shop-talk and career talk, it was a casual, easy conversation. Etienne joined us after work, and they know each other (also from work), so it was easy to keep going on. Time just got away on me, and I kept drinking, but I remained astoundingly clearheaded. I'd slur slightly at times, but otherwise, the world wasn't turning, and I wasn't falling all over myself (or anyone else).
Sometimes, you get lucky...
...Wish you were here.
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