It's the eve of 4/20, and all through the house, stupid RCMP were confiscating the cookies.
Out of White Rock today comes the news that approximately 8,000 pot cookies were confiscated, and 3 people were arrested, and all I could think was "Oh for fuck sakes, get on with it!" meaning let's just stop the nonsense and decriminalize pot use.
I don't partake of drugs myself, and never have, to be totally honest, but I'm solidly for decriminalization because I've seen the research, and to be honest, there is no reason to keep up this ridiculous "criminal activity" charade.
Now why haven't I ever used pot? No interest. I've never even been curious about trying it, or any other drugs. It could be that I did grow up watching my much older brother use drugs and unfortunately spend about 25 years dealing with various drug and alcohol issues, and decided it wasn't worth it. Who knows. I once asked my dad about his pot use, and he told me he didn't bother with it all that much because it gave him headaches, which I could assume I would also have to deal with, so maybe it's that. Whatever it is, it's just not for me, but I judge not those who use it. That being said, I'm not down with toking and driving, so I would say pot should be treated like alcohol in that respect.
I mean, come on...Washinton state right next door (literally) did it. It's time, Canada. It's time. Unfortunately, there's a bit of a bump in the road. The current federal ruling political party is the only one that strongly disagrees with decriminalization (let's not even get started on legalization); hell, they are intent on further criminalizing it. So we can count on three more years of this nonsense before another party stands a shot at taking over and resolving this.
Get on with it...
...Wish you were here.
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