Every day, I will share something that makes me think 'Wish You Were Here.'

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 26/13

Yes, it was incredibly heartbreaking.

When we picked up Max's ashes, I was presented with a box about 9 inches long, bright blue.  Inside, was a certificate, and a smaller box, cedar, about 6 inches long, and 4 inches tall.  My baby boy.

It will be two week tomorrow since we put him to sleep, and there's just this aching hole in my life.  In our lives.  

Max and I had almost 16 year together.  He's been with me through 3 boyfriends, a husband, 3 moves across the country, and countless smiles, laughs, tears and fights.  That cat was literally my longest lasting relationship.  As Etienne pointed out this evening, Max knew more secrets about me than any human, because I would talk to my cat.

Etienne and Max only knew each other for the last two and a half years, but they were so bonded, it made me a little jealous.  Max was such a Man's cat, always wanting to be where the Man of the house was, but there was almost a biological need to be with Etienne as much as possible. 

We have Purrball, which helps to deal with the grief, but I'm afraid she too is trying to adjust to life without Max.  They didn't get along, but I know she still looks for his food dish occasionally, and she's taken to forcing her way into the hallway closet and sleeping there while we are at work.

Max, we miss you terribly...

...Wish you were here.

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