I wish I could say that there was something worth talking about today, but I can't. Today I was practically comatose. I couldn't function at work; I swear, I read the same page of a deck about 10 times, and it didn't sink in. Today was one of those awful days that draaaaaaaaaags on forever. The time that elapses between moments when I looked at the clock seems to be so long, but I was disappointed to find that what felt like 10 minutes was only about 2 minutes in actual time.
All that, and I was freezing too. I put on my work sweater, but it was clear that it wasn't going to cut it. It was a two-sweater day. The chills suck.
All signs point to I'm getting sick. I don't feel any other symptoms (yet), but it could quite likely happen. Bummer.
Sorry to waste your time today...
...Wish you were here.
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