Every day, I will share something that makes me think 'Wish You Were Here.'

Friday, December 7, 2012

December 7/12

The theme of my day seems to have been "Son of a bitch, how can people be this stupid?!?!?"  It's a sentiment that can be applied to so many things I've read/heard today.  I won't go into great detail, but a brief, non-exhaustive list of moments where I experienced this theme in action includes:
  1. Two Australian DJs committed a stupid, immature, and thoughtless prank on the hospital where the Duchess of Cambridge is receiving treatment that has resulted in one of the nurses committing suicide...the prank itself was stupid, but the apparent lack of understanding that they could seriously harm the jobs/livelihoods of people really shows these people haven't got the first clue about empathy;
  2. In the wake of the suicide, people are trying to justify or absolve the Australian DJs of responsibility for the prank and the subsequent suicide, which genuinely makes me fear that empathy is becoming extinct;
  3. Listening to that fucktard Rick Santorum give the most blatantly bullshit, pathetic excuse for swaying Republican senators to vote against ratifying the UN treaty of persons with disabilities (Read up on it...this scumbag goes in several different, incoherent directions which just proves he has no understanding of law or how it works, despite having a law degree);
  4. Jim DeMint; enough said.
I could go on, but you get the idea.  It hasn't been a bad day for me; but it has been one of those days where I've seen and heard enough stupidity to really give me pause to wonder and worry about the fate of humanity.

More understanding...

...Wish you were here.

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