Every day, I will share something that makes me think 'Wish You Were Here.'

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 3/13

I didn't have a solid sleep last night, so when 7 am rolled around and I had to get up and go to work, I wasn't the most alert camper.  In fact, I'd say on a scale between alert/aware and state of R.E.M. sleep, I'd say I was somewhere around the state of a three year old fighting off a much-needed nap.

This was the state I was in as I sat there in my cubby, trying hard to concentrate on finishing a big project that I've been nerding out on for a few weeks now, when at 10:35 or so, the power suddenly went out.  It's almost as if the universe was telling me I had no business being at work when I was operating like a cranky toddler.

This isn't the first time the power has gone out at work, but when I went to the windows to scope out the situation, I noted that the other buildings in the complex also didn't have power.  This meant that there was a problem with the whole grid, and not just an isolated incident, as has been the case in the past.  The outage lasted for almost an hour and a half, and in that time, we all did what we do best in a power outage.  Chat and wait for news on whether we'll be sent home.  It's not like we could do much work; the computers were out, and the lighting wasn't exactly conducive to studying, reading, or doing boring stuff like filing and sorting. 

I think that senior management was getting close to sending us home, because in a massive complex like that, it's not just the lack of computers that affects our ability to work; there's also the loss of the air circulation system, which makes the air quite warm and stale, and lunch starts to become a real concern, whether brought or bought.  If the whole grid was indeed out, there'd be nowhere to go get food, except across the river in Ottawa, and packed lunches made of perishable items stored in the fridges would be imperiled if the outage is lengthy.

But damn if the power didn't come back on just at noon, and after lunch, it was back to work.

I just couldn't catch a break today...

...Wish you were here.

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