I'm exhausted.
Can barely bend over anymore.
Last night, I was in the office for a few hours, just trying to pack the books, but damn if my progress got stopped by an assessment of my box stock. You see, when I moved here to Ottawa, I packed all of my stuff and labeled my boxes (mostly so as not to confuse my things with my ex's). And when I moved from my apartment in the building next door to our current place, my packing was almost completely contained.
Etienne's...not so much. He didn't move with boxes. He moved with bags. And suitcases. And tupperware storage containers. And bags. And bags. He didn't have as much stuff as I did, but it was not fun trying to move him out of his place because of the lack of boxes. Last night, I was coming to the realization that I probably needed an additional 10-15 boxes to properly pack his stuff. I abandoned my efforts and decided to re-group and finish today.
You might be wondering why I'm packing so early, given that the move is still three weeks away, so I refer you back to posts from the last week of August for an explanation. Basically, it goes like this: we painted our walls, and in order to avoid some stupid, way over-priced charges, we're priming the walls
Bathroom? Check!
Kitchen? Check!
Closets? Check!
I slave away because I'm cheap and poor, I hope that my labour will reduce the bill for moving out.
So, tonight was Part II. And it kicked my ass.
I went downstairs and pulled all the unmarked boxes I could find, and brought them upstairs. Then I went to the Pub. Hey, a Hypoglycemic Girl's gotta eat.
As soon as we came home, I headed in. I'm still estimating the need for another 5-6 boxes, but I know where to find those. The only ones I'm not in charge of are the ones Etienne will use to transport the vinyl collection.
The office is approximately 95% complete. After a poorly scheduled viewing appointment tomorrow evening, I will put Etienne to work moving furniture, and then bust out the primer. A second coat if needed on Thursday, and the Office? (Will be) Check!
I'd love to pay a professional company to do this, but I'm so broke!
I need a massage...
...Wish you were here.